Integritas Kepemimpinan Antikorupsi di Sektor Kesehatan

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Dumilah Ayunigtyas
Siti Khodijah Parinduri
Fitria Aryani Susanti


Health is very strategic and plays an important role in determining the welfare of the Indonesian population. The budget for health in the 2017 Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) of Rp 104 trillion, even increased Rp 500 billion from the draft RAPBN 2017. The amount of budget in the health sector opens opportunities abused by relevant agencies and individuals. This study aims to analyze the concept and implementation of anticorruption leadership integrity in the health sector. The research is conducted with a qualitative approach to explore the views of stakeholders in the health sector and establish the thematic phenomena of content analysis of the interview results. The research finds similar concerns about the incidence of corruption in the health sector as well as other sectors, hence it becomes highly relevant to prepare leaders with the anticorruption leadership competence in the health sector. Reference rules for employee recruitment, appraisal and placement of health sector structural officials have not explicitly stated anti-corruption competence as part of the requirements that must be owned. The concept of anticorruption leadership stems from the value of usefulness, willingness to help, and "very tough" character (the courage to act, change and accept risks so as to have persistence in persuasion and the drive to corruption). These values ​​and norms should be clearly stated in the competency instruments, although their planting should take place early and be built on family values, religious education, schools, and peer-group environments. Specifically, the determination of a person to be a leader in the health sector must consider the competence of anticorruption comprehensively, among others, by assessing the assessment starting from the track record, peer assessment and supervisor. The next important thing is to operationalize the value of the integrity and competence of anticorruption to be more measurable and applicable.

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How to Cite
Ayunigtyas, D., Parinduri, S. K., & Susanti, F. A. (2018). Integritas Kepemimpinan Antikorupsi di Sektor Kesehatan. Integritas: Jurnal Antikorupsi, 4(1), 1–28.


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